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Take A Seat

Confronted by his concerned and exasperated sister, Cian's long-dormant obsession rears it's head once again. She may need to sit down for this.

Writer + Director

Daniel Culleton


Ois O'Donoghue

Director of Photography

Gemma Bovenizer

Edit and Colour

Josh Balfe


Ruairi Nicholl

Sound Recordist

Tim Leech-Cleary

Sound Mixer

Luke Conlon

Costume Designer

Shauna Young


Úna Nolan


Cian Gallagher, Adele Crilly



Clodagh O'Donoghue, Conor Sheehan, Lucy Woods, Luke Duffy

Special Thanks to

High Wire Post Production, Dublin

Mike Quinn

Club Chonradh na Gaeilge

Emmett De Barra

Luke Shanahan

The Webb Family

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